xTriStateImage Demo


This demo presents different implementations of a TriStateImage object. They illustrate different techniques for associating user-defined objects with Element objects.

Our specification is for the objects to implement a 3-state rollover effect on an IMG element, given the IMG element's id, a URL to a mouseover image file, a URL to a mousedown image file, and a mouseup event listener function reference. The mouseout image is taken from the IMG element's src attribute.

Mike Foster, 4 Sep 2004, 6 Mar 2005, 11 May 2005




The Code


The onload event listener tests the different techniques.

var btn1, btn2;

window.onload = function()
  btn1 = TriStateImageFactory('img1',

  btn2 = new xTriStateImage('img2',

  if (btn1 && btn2) {
    // continue application initialization

window.onunload = function()

function catOnMouseup()

function scopeOnMouseup()

Technique 1 - The Factory Pattern

Technique 1 is similar to the 'Factory Pattern'. A function returns an object. The function is not an object prototype - we do not create object instances with the 'new' operator. We simply call the function and it returns a reference to an object.

In this demo I do not create a user-defined object in the conventional sense. I add custom properties to an existing Element object, and then return a reference to that Element object.

function TriStateImageFactory(idOut, urlOver, urlDown, fnUp)
  // Downgrade Detection
  if (typeof Image != 'undefined' && document.getElementById) {
    var img = document.getElementById(idOut);
    if (img) {
      // Add custom properties
      img.fnUp = fnUp;
      img.urlOut = img.src;
      img.imgOver = new Image();
      img.imgOver.src = urlOver;
      img.imgDown = new Image();
      img.imgDown.src = urlDown;
      // Add event listeners
      img.onmouseover = tsiOnMouseover;
      img.onmouseout = tsiOnMouseout;
      img.onmousedown = tsiOnMousedown;
      img.onmouseup = tsiOnMouseup;
      return img;
  return null;
// Event Listeners
function tsiOnMouseover()
  this.src = this.imgOver.src;
function tsiOnMouseout()
  this.src = this.urlOut;
function tsiOnMousedown()
  this.src = this.imgDown.src; 
function tsiOnMouseup()
  this.src = this.imgOver.src;
  if (this.fnUp) {

Technique 2 - Object Prototype

Technique 2 is an object prototype, similar to a 'class', from which we will create instances via the 'new' operator. This technique uses 'closure' to allow the Element event listeners to have access to the user-defined object instance properties. This technique provides for 'private' properties. Also note that the event listeners have access to the arguments passed to the object prototype.

function xTriStateImage(idOut, urlOver, urlDown, fnUp) // Object Prototype
  var img;
  // Downgrade Detection
  if (typeof Image != 'undefined' && document.getElementById) {
    img = document.getElementById(idOut);
    if (img) {
      // Constructor Code
      var urlOut = img.src;
      var i = new Image();
      i.src = urlOver;
      i = new Image();
      i.src = urlDown;
      // Event Listeners (closure)
      img.onmouseover = function()
        this.src = urlOver;
      img.onmouseout = function()
        this.src = urlOut;
      img.onmousedown = function()
        this.src = urlDown;
      img.onmouseup = function()
        this.src = urlOver;
        if (fnUp) {
  // Destructor Method
  this.onunload = function()
    if (xIE4Up && img) { // Remove any circular references for IE
      img.onmouseover = img.onmouseout = img.onmousedown = null;
      img = null;

View the latest src/docs for xTriStateImage.

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