8 Jul 2007: This page is being used to test xDragInFence, xEnableDrag and xEnableDrop.
The 'leftColumn' element has a dotted border and is used as the "fence" for both 'drag1' and 'drag2'.
Disable/Enable: drag1 | drag2 | drop1 | drop2
I am a P inside the drop1 DIV
I am a P inside the drop2 DIV
View the source and documentation for xDragInFence, xEnableDrag and xEnableDrop
The X core is designed to work with all browsers, Object-detection instead of browser-detection is used exclusively. Currently, I'm testing with the following browsers. X has been tested by others on a wide variety of platforms.
Win7 (Home): IE 9.
WinXP (SP3): Chrome, Firefox 3.5.5, IE 7 & 8, Opera 10.60 and Safari 4.0.3.
Linux (Ubuntu 9.10): Chrome and FireFox 3.5.7.
If you are using X, XC or anything from this site, show off your work by posting a link in the X Showcase forum.
I am drag1. Drag and drop me on a drop.
I am drag2. Drag and drop me on a drop.